The Future of SCAP is the missing GAP in OSCAL May 13, 2022 Certainly, in CyberSecurity, it can seem like that. This is especially true when new ideas emerge so quickly that current projects languish and eventually become lost in the pile of unmaintained code.
Tired of Following the Compliance Herd? May 1, 2022 If the idea of following the industry standard of care for your IT projects is offensive to you, there is some good news.
Facial Matching and Identity Verification February 23, 2022 So much has been written in the last few days about using facial matching for identity verification. But did we (the industry) get it…
Novel Applications for Ethereum ERC-721 Non-Fungible Tokens October 15, 2020 Since the introduction of blockchain technology, several of the key applications have been in creating digital currency. Understandable as the key features of non-repudiation and distributed ledger are both desirable aspects of a monetary system.
How have you built your detection framework? October 2, 2020 Possibly one of the most significant trends over the last few years is the over proliferation of security tools within our SOCs. While there…
Your Identity Is Showing: Mensa AG 2019 July 1, 2019 Are you protecting yourself online? While sometimes it seems like an impossible task, this talk will give you some basic security hygene topics for…
BlockChain Fundamentals July 1, 2019 Doing a quick presentation for the Mensa Annual Gathering 2019 in Phoenix. Come see us on Wednesday and make it more interesting!
What Do I Want To Know? April 16, 2019 It’s early to have this conversation. Truly, I understand that. But, I came back from RSA Vendor-a-palazooa in San Francisco wondering if any of…
The Future of Threat Management February 18, 2019 This last year I was asked to join MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory as the head of their Cyber Security group. Being at the lab has…
How To Not Make Money Mining Crypto Currency April 3, 2018 Since my initial post regarding the topic of mining crypto currency, I’ve been asked to speak on the topic. Most recently at the upcoming NTBA.